Today makes it a year that I officially launched AscendWP

In the last 12 months
We have worked with clients in 6 countries,
Helped agency owners double/triple their profits on web projects.
Helped them save hours and free up time to work on things they love.
Gotten tons of good comments, reviews about our service.
Built tens of awesome websites.
Rarely missed projects deadlines.
Hired a small team of talented and happy web designers.
Tripled my annual revenue from the previous year.
Made lots of friends from different countries and continents (this is one of my favourite things of all).
The gains of the past 1 year is proof that fortune favours the brave and he who is motivated enough cannot be stopped

The awesome thing is that, we are just getting started,
There are still lots of agency who can benefit from our reliable whitelabel services and scale faster.
The present is fun and fulfilling,
And the future looks bright.
Thanks to all our clients,
Thanks to everybody that has ever given us advice or rooted for us. I’m grateful 

I’m super excited about the next 12 months. We will continue show up, do our best and have fun
